Servcies I offer

I’ve done a lot of work Promoting and making a living with Poetry. Here is some of what I can do for you

Workshops and Trainings

I love teaching and sharing what I’ve learned with interested people!

Work shops I offer:

How to Make Money with poetry

So you want to get into print?

Does it compute?

Instant Poetry (Just add words!) The breakdown

Sales 101 , “Laughing”Larry style

and Individual consultations.

As an Award winning Poet I also do readings and presentations of my story. contact me at Lberger1027 for pricing and further detals

I’ve been selling in one form or another since iI was six years old. (1972) when I started helping my father with his Direct Marketing buisness( Amway, Herballife,  Scrap Jewlery, and many others.) I then prgressed to retail working at Sears. and Perkins Cake and Steak. Trained as a Chef I learned presentation from Chef instructors who did Ice carvings and gourmet meals.   After a near fatal Car accident I started selling copy supplies over the phone. Then I  I moved to being an Oil and Gas brokker and raised funds to punch holes in the ground and look for oil. For the last twenty four years I’ve been  sellin poetry and helping people sell themselves. let me help you too.   

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Always Keep Ideas Brewing!!!

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